WRAP ON 2007…the year that whooshed by!
Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
View from my window in 2007…
That time of the year again; am racing as usual…still so much to do, and so little done. Even the year has almost come to an end! Huff Puff!! Will make an attempt to get onboard Nupur’s blogevent ‘Best of 2007’ to mark the end of 2007…a chance to do a SWOT on ourselves!
Best dish from each month
December ’07 Citrus Dessert Cake…I created this one on the go. Its a cake that thinks it’s a cheesecake, but isn’t!
November ’07 Espresso Cake…I’m partial to coffee!
October ’07 Achari Chicken Curry…finger-licking good!
September ’07 Pineapple Fresh Cream Cake…wonderful & light!
August ’07 Almond-Orange Sponge with Chocolate Ganache Icing…Great combo Chocolate-almond-orange!!
Top list of recipes made from others recipes
Biscotti…from a post in Group Recipes.
Coffee Streusel Cake…adapted from a recipe off ‘Joy of Baking’
Nalli Gosht…adapted from a Sanjeev Kapoor recipe
Korova Cookies…adapted from a Parisian recipe for sinfully chocolate cookies (eggless) from a ‘Spoonful of Sugar’
Cold broccoli salad (yet to be posted)
Achari Chicken Curry…a recipe my sister put together to cut out store bought spices
Best meal(s) of 2007
Penne in a cream mushroom sauce with grilled chicken; Stir-fried veggies in Italian seasonings ..served with a salad
Nalli Gosht ( lamb curry on the bone) with smoked vegetables & a Dal.
BLOGGING & new friends
Best gadget…the’Microplaner‘… can’t think of a better & more useful ‘gizmo‘!
Best discovery…’Grindless gravies’. Thanks to Sra who made me eat my words & realise that grindless & gravy is altogether possible…& many times over!
Best blog event…’CLICK’ at Jai & Bee’s. Began looking at the camera with new eyes! Have now even worn out the rechargeable battery…help!
Favourite savoury ingredient…’Garlic’…where would I be without it?
Favourite otherwise ingredient…’Coffee’…Nirvana!
This is my pick for 2007 because it was for my very first blog event – ‘PINKTOBER‘ for breast cancer awareness. I enjoyed making this one immensely & was very pleased at how it came out. Most of all, it helped spread the message far & wide!
That’s my son & the Streusel Coffee Cake…He’s loving it!!
“Cooking resolutions” for 2008
Must admit I hate resolutions, & am a true Scorpion, secretive to the core! Good or bad, that’s how I am. As they say resolutions are made to be broken…rather not make any. However, I would like to find more time to browse more blogs, try different recipes, venture into cuisines I’ve never tried, click less & cook more, talk less & eat more (just kidding!), get to a blogevent before it gets to me…there I go again! Alright, I’m kinda swotted out now!
Guess I’ll wind up by saying kudos to Nupur for making me spend 2 hours which I thought were never there; reading up my own blog, which I thought I would never do; making me realise how things can change in a span of a few months…& very nearly talking me into making a resolution which I’ve never done!! Muchas gracias Nupur!!
Have a great 2008!
thats a LOT of baking you have done. hope you have a great 2008!
Such a talented baker – that’s what you are. Congratulations on everything. Happy New Year.
Hey, the new look is really nice. It’s been nice discovering your blog through the gravies, before that, I thought it was entirely a baking blog. And thanks for the mention – I just discovered it as I was reading. I have you to thank for the tip that garlic can be grated with the Microplane. I rarely use mine but I will now.
Your son’s a cutie – how old is he?
Oh, what a drool-worthy post! Your creations always make me stare in awe. Wishing you another year of passionate cooking and baking! Thanks for participating
wish you many more wonderful baking experiments and a lot of fun with your camera in 2008.
Wow! What a beautiful post and I love your Ode To Blogbakers! Sweet! ; )
Great dishes, Great pictures…and I’m so glad I found your blog last year and I get to enjoy it for another year