Baking| Perfect Pumpkin Pie … and simple too {#getsmart}

“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.”
Jim Davis

Perfect Pumpkin Pie India is pretty much pumpkin country, the yellow and rather mellow squash that you will find around every nook and corner all year through, a vegetable I looked at rather disdainfully until I made my first Praline Pumpkin Pie 2 years ago. The lad nudges me this time every year to remind me he l♥ves it! This one is for him – a Perfect Pumpkin Pie.Perfect Pumpkin Pie Mentally conditioned by food blogs, lovely pumpkin posts painting the net in a orange hue, I eagerly await fall. It makes me look at the pumpkin in wonder, a rather underestimated veggie, yet one that holds a lot of promise. The beautiful flavour of the pumpkin soup I shared with Jamie in London holds a special connect. It was the company, the atmosphere, the euphoria of that first time we all met. Somewhere in the middle of all this, the humble pumpkin got an even more elevated status in my life!Perfect Pumpkin Pie I made soup last year, and for some silly reason it never got blogged. This pumpkin pie is the result of inspiration out of the blue. I saw a mail in my inbox saying ‘If you had two extra hours in a day, how would you spend it?‘ … and I thought, hmmm, I wonder!Perfect Pumpkin Pie An extra 2 hours for the obsessed baker in me is like an impossible dream. My life seems to run choc-a-bloc morning to night, balancing the fine act of racing through laundry, trying to feed a blog, a brood, a pooch, snatching a few harassed moments to take photographs while the dog is now tall enough to get to table tops {… CUTE as a button too}, grocery {sigh}…and then emails of course!CocoThat thought stayed in my mind while I ran the laundry that morning, and teased me while I went to the vegetable vendor, our fabulous sabziwala. Someone was buying pumpkin and the fellow cut a nice bright one for her. That was my cue!Perfect Pumpkin PieGive me 2 extra hours and watch me bake with joy, bake something to fill home with autumnal aromas, pumpkin gently roasting {of course you can buy it canned as well in the rest of the world, but we know no luxuries of the sort in India!}. Much from scratch with this too, I have never had tomatoes or pumpkin out of a can here. I have read though that fresh roasted pumpkin beats the canned one hands down. Got an extra hour? Roast some!Perfect Pumpkin Pie

Perfect Pumpkin PieI always have tins of condensed milk on hand after having indulged in this absolutely addictive Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream from Perfect Scoop. You need less than an hour to make it, need resolve to keep away from the freezer, and finally 10 minutes to polish it off. But if you can grab those two extra hours, then I recommend you head for pie!
Perfect Pumpkin PieThe verdict was delicious! The terrible teen screwed up her nose and said “Ewwwwwww …. pumpkin!!,” and then predictably went on to ravenously demolish the slice, and ask for another. There was something about it!! The boy lapped it up … it was his on request after all!!Perfect Pumpkin PiePerfect Pumpkin PieThis is a pie right for fall. The filling … silky, smooth and spicy! The crust just right, not too crisp, yet offers a handsome bite, gently teasing the palette with beautiful pistachio flavours and a pleasing texture. I wish I could offer you a slice…it was that good, and it went FAST!


And since I had so much extra time, I shot some pictures of out CUTE Coco … she was ‘all eyes’!! Oh to have those extra two hours more often!Coco
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About me: I am a freelance food writer, recipe developer and photographer. Food is my passion - baking, cooking, developing recipes, making recipes healthier, using fresh seasonal produce and local products, keeping a check on my carbon footprint and being a responsible foodie! I enjoy food styling, food photography, recipe development and product reviews. I express this through my food photographs which I style and the recipes I blog. My strength lies in 'Doing Food From Scratch'; it must taste as good as it looks, and be healthy too. Baking in India, often my biggest challenge is the non-availability of baking ingredients, and this has now become a platform to get creative on. I enjoy cooking immensely as well.


  • Suma

    You said it Deeba! We have no luxuries such as pumpkin puree or heavy cream in our country, but I guess you can only roast pumpkin and not the puree, so we are GOOD after all:)) (I know this reeks of the case of sour grapes!)
    Two hours extra? Bake more, get some home-made baking ‘mixes’ ready, that’s what I will do! The pie sounds delish, though I have never eaten one…Whoa! What a lengthy comment I wrote!

  • Zita

    I’m in the search to find the perfect pumpkin pie recipe. This looks very tempting & promising! 🙂 I don’t like using condensed milk so I might substitute that with coconut milk. What do you think?

  • Zita

    Oh, by the way, no canned pumpkin purée in Hungary either! Or actually I saw an imported one (very expensive) in a gourmet store in Budapest. But people don’t know here that there is a canned version… we always roast our pumpkins! 🙂

  • chinmayie @ love food eat

    I think I am going to go for it! I am not much of a baker… I am basically too lazy! lol
    But I think it’s going to be worth the effort! Pumpkin pies are all over the blog world and I just have to taste it!

  • Rosa

    Indeed, it looks perfect and divine! What a beautiful creation.

    Your puppy is so sweet! He’s growing fast…



  • rantingindian

    Wow. The pie looks yummy. This post can easily work its way in to the masterchef contest too. Best of Luck. Do check out my post too and vote if you like it Aye Zindagi!

  • Heather Davis

    This looks amazing Deeba! I have never tried making pumpkin pie with the fresh puree but you’ve inspired me now. I love roasting it for soups and even used it in lasagna once but always used canned for the pie. Love your doggie btw. We are about to get a puppy next weekend so life should be fairly topsy-turvy for a weeks!

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Fairly topsy turvy is putting it mildly Heather. Good luck to you! My word…it’s like a new born baby once again. Back to early morning, toilet training…hungry cries LOL! You remind me I have to make soup soon. Mmmmm

  • Chinnie

    Your Coco is so cute. I have my own too and his name is Luffy. I am currently looking for something to bake and i’ll yours in the list. I’m still confused at the moment.

  • Sanjeeta kk

    Pumpkin pie..and that’s what I was planning to bake with my lovely orangy pumpkin. I like the filling color and how perfect the slices have come out. Must say your family has lot of patience to wait for and let the pie cool, before slicing it 🙂

    • Deeba @ PAB

      LOL LOL LOL…what they don’t know can’t hurt them S. They know they have to wait, else there won’t be a next time. I am quite the ‘witch’!!

  • Colleen

    Hmmmm I just made a pumpkin cheesecake for the first time. Never tried a pie before. I shall have to give it a go! Beautiful photos and such a gorgeous blog post Deeba. Love Coco…too cute! Lovely to visit again. I have been away too long! xxx

    • Deeba @ PAB

      It’s been ages Colleen; thanks for stopping by. Good weather in SA these days? Thank you for those sweet words. Much love. Catch you on twitter soon! MUST get back. Hugs!!

      • Jessica

        I have a Morkie, a Maltese Yorkie mix, and his name is Riley. He is 2, and a feisty little guy! Naughty and charming are a perfect description for him too! He is always at the top of the naughty list!!! You Coco is so cute!

  • Pramod

    what an enchanting way to spend the extra time to bake innovative dish to pacify the tummy,
    really yummy thinking.
    best wishes

  • Cassy

    The pie sounds delish, though I have never eaten one..But i think i should try to baked this weekend and share with my freind..

  • Barbara | Creative Culinary

    This is gorgeous Deeba, using a tart pan makes such a difference. I love the garnish; at first I thought pistachios but I peered closer to the screen and seems it’s pepitas?

    You know I love your dog. Do you plan to let her coat grow long or keep her trimmed? My Abbie goes from a total puffball to looking like a terrier after a trim but I do like to keep her coat short. It’s thick and not sleek; if I tried to grow it out like show dogs I think it would just stick out a foot and never get long and sleek. What I noticed most? The paws; I know that look! So cute.

    • Deeba @ PAB

      Those are hand cut pistachios Barbara. I had pepitas but forgot to use them {:-(}…
      Is Abbie a cocker too? Sweetness!! I do love Cocos coat but puffball is not for me. Now that you’ve said it, I have my mind set on giving Coco a terrier like trim. Even though I brush her well every morning, she’s out in the garden digging out my flowerbeds and it’s a pain washing her pretty paws all the time. xo

  • ButterYum

    I’m not really into pumpkin pie, but make it from real roasted pumpkins and add pistachios…. I’m in! Absolutely fabulous photos – I had a hard time deciding which one to pin.


  • uma

    The pumpkin pie looks really yummy and you have clearly listed out the indegredients and method.Hope to try one at home soon

    Yum Yum

  • Sarah, Maison Cupcake

    This pie looks amazing, I would love to try making it. Pumpkin puree is not easy to buy here, I grab half a dozen cans whenever I see any. I really like your piped cream and pistachio on top, stuff you do always looks so pretty.

  • Sue

    Seriously, one of the most beautiful pumpkin pies ever! I’m sure the taste matches:) Your pup, Coco, looks so sweet!

  • Anisha

    I love pumpkins in any form. I’d love to try this… Can you tell me what is pumpkin pie spice. I tried searching and all the recipes use different combinations, I’d love to know what you used.

    Awesome pictures and Your Coco is really sweet.

    This is my first comment here, but I’ve visited the blog a few times before. I must tell you I loved it from the very first visit. It is an inspiration for me.

  • Catalina

    The title says it all – perfect pumpkin pie! You decorated it so well, it’s a stunning piece of art!! Pumpkin pie might sound quite ordinary but when it’s your pie, no ordinary here, just pure beauty 🙂 And your dog is absolutely lovely 🙂

  • Delishhh

    oh wow – it looks like the perfect pie 🙂 You know i have never made pumpkin pie to this day – i might just have to try your recipe. I love pumpkin and everything about it. Your dog WOW just ADORABLE.

  • Jamie

    Deeba, why oh why do I always find myself smiling, grinning halfway through your posts! You are the funniest! And ah, what memories of London with you (thanks for bringing up those sweet memories), and I can only see you baking and baking and baking…. and what a stunning pumpkin pie! Now I need to bake my own favorite recipe and decorate it like you do! Yes, just wait, I will. You so inspire me!!!

  • devika

    ok at the expense of sounding maha-daft im gonna ask anyway, why are you making the crust twice? or am i missing something?
    looks yum and though im not much of a baker, its inspiring enough and the instructions duffer-friendly enough for me to attempt it!

    • Deeba @ PAB

      LOL Devika…it’s my fault. Fixed now…you are certainly not maha -daft, and I’d love to hear if you baked pie! Thank you for stopping by!!

  • Happy Cook / Finla

    I have never made a pupking pie only started knwing aobut after i had the blog, you are so much tempting me to make one though i am afriad iwould get a reaction like you teenage daughter from Hans. And I laughed out loud when i read that son lapped out on to the slice 🙂

  • Jeanne @ CookSister!

    OMG look at that pup of yours!! Like a teddy bear come to life – seriously adorable! And I am swooning over your pumpkin pie – the prettiest I’ve seen. loving the addition of pistachios! Happy weekend, lovely lady!

  • Alli

    I dont really like pumpkin pie but I have to say I would not refuss a piece of yours, it looks amazing.

  • Heavenly Housewife

    Ah, this really is the perfect pumpkin pie. It makes me want to celebrate Thanksgiving (but I don’t because I’m in the UK now and MrP hates turkey–go figure).
    *kisses* HH

  • sarah

    aah…baking is definitely an awesome way to spend time..and ur pie looks so yummy!
    A time well spent…:)
    good luck for the contest!

  • angela@spinachtiger

    This is way too pretty to be called pumpkin pie. It deserves a fancy name with tart in it. And, the pics of your doggie are just too cute. All the pics are gorgeous, well executed.

  • gajra

    hi deeba u did what i’ve only been thinking about but then u are u ,the great cook in our part of town ! i salute u — u amaze me everytime with ur energy. wanted to ask u can i omit the eggs in the pie will it make much of a difference in the texture? yum lukin’ pie can i have a slice, any left?

  • meeso

    I’ve never seen a dog with those colors before! Even that type of dog, I’ve never seen the same! So gorgeous! Your blog is a treat for the eyes!

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